Tuesday, 2 January 2018

A bit of reflection and a peek into the future


It was a good year, supposedly.  I had been given so many things, experiences and opportunities that I never thought I would have.  

In life, challenges were as tough (if not tougher) as they were before, I assumed the responsibility as both mom and dad at home, meaning not only I had to be soft, emotional and empathetic, but tough, hard-headed and strong at the same time.  My own daughter is getting bigger, she's officially a teenager now.  That's a different phase I need to deal with, and handle with care.  So are my other teenagers at home.  I had to learn a totally different approach so as to engage them and keep them afoot without putting them off with too much 'parenting'.

In work, I had been demanded more than I thought I was capable of rendering.  There were times I thought it was easier to give up, especially when things became difficult and I was hit, bashed and criticize more often and harder than ever before.  I learnt new way of handling things, or to accept hit after hit.  I am hardened and made more durable day by day.  It wasn't an easy feat, I am learning even until today.  Mounting responsibilities, tighter deadlines, and many more to come this year.  Me and my team managed to finished 4 out of only the standard 2 projects.  Unfortunately, 2 were rejected. My team ended up branded as a failure despite what I considered a remarkable achievement for a small team of 3 I had.  

The good thing was, I was given the opportunity to shoulder a huge responsibility, being part of the backbone for an international project which gave me the chance to travel (be it just work travel) to Hanoi, Vietnam in November 2016 and Kuwait City, Kuwait in April 2017.  It really opened my eyes to the outside world, and erased my phobia to go beyond my country's border.  Those luxury came with huge responsibilities though, which will be continued right up to this moment. Only God knows how heavy it is, added with my responsibilities at home, in business, in my family and self, and above all in my relationship with my ultimate provider, my God.

The businesses that I had with my partner went quite smoothly.  The gym was a good investment.  With His help, I managed to add in my share to the business, little by little closing the gap of shareholding with my partner.  At least I am no longer just a very, very small shareholder.  It gave significant change to the way I view the business.  God's interference in our gym business proved to be potent from the very beginning to the end.  There were many competitions, but we survived, so far and we know, it was Him all along.  We managed to improve the gym condition, a bit, and added in a few pairs of new dumbbells and plates.  We are currently expecting an additional machine for the comfort of our customers.

The plastic business was not doing as well as gym.  The first 5 months of operation conceded loss to us.  Though it was expected, we are running out of time to rebound from the loss.  We are praying and trying hard to recover from the loss.  We believe God will show us the best way, decision to take as we continue to try our best to survive and rise above the water.

My personal relationship with Him suffered yo-yo trend.  There were times it was strong, and times when I barely remembered Him in life.  Despite that, He never left me, not even a single second.  That I am sure.  This year, with all the blessings he bestowed upon me, I pledged my entire year towards renewing my vow and strengthening the bond I always have with Him.  This year is a year of realizing His presence in my life, and sharing the blessings with others without any strings attached.

My relationship with my friends.  Well, what can I say?  I had been less present and available for friends the entire year.  For this, please grant me apology, I had been one bad friend.  My birthday sucked, it was one of the worst day in my life.  My friends needed me, but I wasn't there for them, not as much as I really wanted to.  By the end of the year, the very first friendship I had was on the edge of destruction, and I don't know what to do about it.  I was at lost and the only thing I could do was watch.  As heart breaking as it was, I just don't know how to handle it.

My personal goal (apart from my spiritual life) was to gain mass, and I think I succeeded.  Managed to get certified as Personal Trainer.  The winning strike continued from 2015 until 2017, where physical and fitness goal achieved successfully.  This year the goal is higher and harder, more effort to be exerted and know what, I think I am up for the challenge.  God wills.

Family and friends, I will try my best to be better than I was last year.  Forgive my shortcomings, please remember I am trying my best and there will be times when my best won't be good enough.  Just remember that I am trying, all the time.  Dear Lord, please, never leave me for I need You more and more everyday.  I won't survive a day without You.  I promise I will open my eyes and ears and heart, wider to see and grab every single opportunity You show me to share the good news to everyone around me. 

There you go.  A summary of past and present and future, all in a single entry.  Till the next update, God bless us all.

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