Thursday, 2 May 2013

Politics...Election and integrity

The 13th General Election is drawing nigh, only in a few days time every rightful citizen of Malaysia will have his chance to exercise his right.  I have missed the opportunity twice before, and I don't intend to miss it again. This is my responsibility, be it I make the 'right' choice, or the 'favorite' choice, it's my call.  Nobody can take it away from me.

Politics is a thing of many different faces, layers, presentations, or name it, it's all there.  Dirty is much more likely than clean, as politicians are always put at the same pedestal as the lawyers, if you can get what I mean.  Healthy competition is good, it should be expected, from the politicians or the political parties. They can use whatever information they have in hand, manipulate, twist, and do whatever they can to get the people's attention and support.  It's their right, we can't blame them for making a living out of it.  Okay, sometimes things can get dirty but as long as no life's in danger, it's fine with me.  It's nice to see all those manifestos, flags and posters around the town and along the way, happens only once in 5 years.  Should cherish this 'free' decorations.

However, it's the people's attitude that saddened me.  Most based their choice on the ability of the government to support their needs.  Well, for the basic needs like health and education (up to certain extent), it is okay..but for the general needs, the ones that everyone should work their a** to get it, you shouldn't expect that from the government, not even from anyone else.  Why constantly ask to be spoon fed?  Wake up, people!!  You want to be at par with the modern, developed country, you want all the luxuries, but you don't want the responsibility, the toll that comes with it.  People, our tax is not even half of that paid in UK and such, and yet you demand such standard of living, those subsidies they get.... 

They are so many things our people need to learn.  I am not saying I am very clever in all this politics things.  I am not.  I am just a regular citizen who knows in order to earn my living and luxuries, I need to sweat on it, and really work my bones.  That's what adults do, except for the privileged, the special people, they, definitely need all the help and subsidies the government can give.

So, all I want to say here, I really wish for us all to have opened minds, and able to see and evaluate things, from all different angles, measuring and comparing using the appropriate tools and elements, not just do it blindly and get angry without any logical reasons.

I love my country, we all do.  God bless Malaysia.


  1. I couldn't agree more Veey. And I am referring to the 'spoon fed' you mention. And what's more disappointing was the fact that there are people or a group of people out there are actually teaching and encouraging them to do so in order to get vote.

  2. Yah, such immature acts, that will cost us our future,and that is very, very sad. The only thing I can do is do my part and just hope for the best. I can still see few honest politician, I mean honest enough to bear the responsibility for the betterment of our nation.
