Monday, 6 May 2013

Final Round before the great battle

Ranau's Parliament and DUN Candidates

GE13 is over, and now is time to continue our life, hopefully with less stress and bashing and downgrading, bad-mouthing and dignity stomping.  Enough is enough, accept the people's choice, no matter how bitter it might taste.  I know, it is impossible to make everyone happy, but life must go on, right?  I, personally, prefer a more peaceful GE process, from the nominations, to the campaigning until the results, all must be done with opened and sincere hearts.  That's true leader by my definition.  To get the respect and gain the trust of the people, you must first show them that you deserve it.  Keep your own lawn clean and tidy, rather than keep shouting to the public of how dirty and unkempt others' are.  Louder voice doesn't mean you are right and the people will listen to you and support you.  They might be hearing, but not always listening. Me, it's more annoying than soothing to me.  Sweet promises do not go along with rebellious and loud voice.  I'd rather hear it in calmer manner, that will win my heart.

I also know (I am not deaf or blind, by the way, even those people able to know and witness this) that there are so many allegations, accusations going around, that this is a very, very dirty GE.  But then again, I have heard the same accusations since like..forever, as long as I can remember.  From the time when the Government then is the opposition now, and vice versa.  My limited knowledge imparts to me that no politic is clean.  Period.

Well, stop my heartfelt exposure and share what I actually wanted to share here.  It's only a picture I captured during our brief stop at Ranau for a lunch take away on the way back to Sandakan on Sabbath (Saturday, 4.5.2013). While waiting for our order, a crowd suddenly gushed in to the restaurant.  It turned out to be the two YB's were making their final rounds, mingling with the people from all walks of life.  This may looked like a kind of obvious vote baiting, but it's nice to see the leaders finally came down to the ground without any invitation.

Anyway, congratulations to both leaders.  Continue your service with 'unforced' sincerity and diligence.  It's the people who raised you up, be grateful and return the favor to the deserving folks. People are depending on you to get their rights upheld.

God bless you.

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