Monday, 19 January 2015

Fitness Lesson For Today

Don't skip your workout for too long.

For two straight years, I had managed to reach my fitness goal/resolution.  For 2013, my goal was to keep my weight around 45 - 46 kg, which by the end of the year, I managed to reach it. My weight was 45.3 kg. This was made possible by change in diet and exercise, where I depended on my badminton and futsal training.
 Then in 2014, my fitness resolution upped to the next level, to get a toned and fit body, which means, my workout should be more intense than ever.  So, as part of my effort to realize the goal, I made a small investment, less than RM200, setting up my very humble home gym. I started small, from a 20 minutes daily workout to 45 minutes - an hour session by the end of 2014.  Result, very satisfactory.  Added bonus, I feel increased stamina, strength and endurance too.

However, the holiday season got into me a bit farther than it should, so, starting Christmas 2014, I rested from my daily routine, down to just a fraction of the routine (5 minutes) to none at all.  Of course I still play badminton and futsal, not much change in what I can see, but my strength and stamina reduced to a noticeable low.

So, after weeks of holding off, yesterday I decided to pick up from where I left last year. With an extra kilo, I sweat my pants off, literally drenched in sweat, and managed to finish the complete routine.  My muscles ached a bit, but it was very satisfactory.  It proved to be harder than it used to, so, now I learned my lesson, never skip your workout for too long that your body almost forgot about it.  It will need to readjust, and that includes muscle cramps and aches.

What's in the bag for 2015 fitness resolution?  Of course I have one, but let's keep it shut off until the end of this year, when I finally able to reach it.  All I can say is, it takes more than the previous years' effort, and I pray I can do it.  God wills.


  1. Saya setuju!!! Once we stop..we lost the momentum. So kena start all over again. Talking from my own experience juga. :)

  2. Makanya, jangan dilayan malas tu. Fight it, unless you have a good excuse, of course.

  3. Kenapalah aku malas sangat ni..????? Tapi mau badan mcm k-pop!...hahaha

    1. Eh, bukan dah dekat mcm kpop da kah tu? Tinggal tu midsection jak lagi perlu sedikit adjustment..? Halfway jak lagi tu...ko mmg boleh. Alat pun dah ada...
