Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Experiment Gone Wrong...

It was an experiment, alright.  I went to have a quite long overdue haircut yesterday, with hope as I stepped into the saloon, that I would have a nicer and neater haircut. I went to my usual place, the same saloon since the last 3 or 4 'haircuts'.  Went there for the least risk of bad haircut, since they have already known my style (should be).  Still, I need help, advice and supervision from a trusted friend to make sure nothing funny happen to my hair.  Anyway, the first few snips were nicely done with my friend's constant comments and close supervision, but when she sat down to have her own hair cut, that was when the wrong came in.  

The hair that need a little housekeeping
My plan was to have just a slight different in the length of hair at the back, wanted a shorter cut there, feels more comfortable that way, with both sides remained styled exactly the way it was styled before. But, my weakness, I know, I couldn't get that point across to the barber, tongue tied.  Almost don't know how to explain my need.  The person I depended was too busy to notice.  So, the barber cut my hair, on both sides, A LOT SHORTER than I want, it was definitely a boy cut.  Okay, while I don't have any problem with boy cut, but cutting it that way will make my face look a lot like my oldest brother.  Hmm, now that is a thought to be reconsidered.  
A little bit overboard

Anyway, damage has been done, all I can do is just get on with my life, hoping my hair will grow faster by washing it everyday, just like I always do.  Well, for now, just accept me for who I really am, and how I really look.  Hey, it's still me. Good thing is, I may have psychological advantage in Futsal court, appeared in this hairstyle, if you know what I mean.

So, dear hair, if you can hear me, please, I beg you, grow fast, grow long, or even grow wild, if you wish to.  I thought a new hairstyle will be nice, but, well....you be the judge.  Comfort wise, it is, of course, a lot cooler and freer. This is definitely, an experiment gone....wrong.


  1. Jan risau kmu tetap kmu..apapn prubahan fzikal kmu ttap yg sa kenal hehe...

  2. Yah, inside still remain intact

  3. You make me smile when you mention you look like your oldest brother with that new haircut. Hehehe

    Anyway, just a suggestion..why don't you bring a photo of a hairstyle you want next time you visit a barber. I always do that coz I am tongue tied too to explain what I want.

  4. Why? A little skidded from reality? Hehe

    The last time I had a satisfactory haircut, I did just that. I showed the barber the picture...and it was a nice cut. but I deleted the picture, hence it rendered me speechless and helpless. :))

  5. Because...it is...so true. hahahaha. You do look like him with that new hair cut.

    But maybe it's because you mentioned it. If not, you just look like yourself. hehehhe

  6. Same origin, should be expected. Kalu langsung teda sama tu yang kena perlu di'query tu. But I like the last part of your comment. Whatever the style, I still looked like me.
