Monday, 20 January 2020

Listen to yourself....

Yes, I take day off anytime I feel I need it, with little regard to what's happening around me.  Since the day I decided to put my wellness as my top priority, I started to take less heed of others' perception and expectations, towards me.  I need to be fit, healthy and strong for the people I am taking care of, therefore negative vibes are not welcomed in my life.

Reading too many posts, status updates on people whining and on the brink of depression.  Can I not be part of that?  Yes, it seems like I am leading a dual life. During the day I am an auditor, a chartered accountant whose image and independence are carefully tread on. After work, I am a fitness coach, bodybuilding to be specific.  This is my passion.  Granted, I am tired, but passion fueled my body and I manage to find my way through and around irons and bars in our humble gym. I have a personal chant I said in my mind over and over again, that accounting and finance is a passion for my mind, while fitness and bodybuilding is the passion for my body and heart. In terms of works, yes I may not be perfect, there are lots of things I still have to learn, but I am willing to learn.  Lately, I am trying my best not to put off works, finishing them the soonest I can, even if it means I have to burn the midnight oil, again and again. 

As a human, I do have my limit.  My patience is not to be tested beyond its max capacity.  I stepped into the new year (this year) with a vow that I will try my best in everything that I do, in my spiritual life, in my professional work, in my family and in my passion.  The vow includes keeping my promises, every single one.  If it happens that I would not be able to fulfill my promise, I make it a habit to let the other party know. 

Since towards the end of last week I was bombarded with work, unnecessary and redundant even,and it was carried forward to Monday.  Finally last night, I had enough.  Yes, I had chores to do today, but I am seizing the opportunity to have a real rest day today. I listen to my body and mind enough that I know when to push, and when to stop and rest.  Today is my day.  

I am having a real ME day.  Not a me day spending with friends.  It's me and myself.  I am a pro in ME Day department.  I love being alone.  Never feel lonely when I am alone.  Treating myself to any place, view, food, music, entertainment, relaxation in my own way, my own preference. It is a luxury for me these days, as being involved in fitness industry and business, I had to step out of my comfort zone, as a born introvert, into the limelight and trying my best to get noticed, so that I can bring people attention to our gym.  It is a hard work for me, the way that an extrovert will never understand.  Being the center of attention is not my cup of tea, I dreaded crowd and parties (or any resemblance to both). Hence the reason why I only have less than a handful close friends I can comfortably hang out with. Well, actually....when it comes to really, really close friend, I am 'monogamous'. Trust is a priceless commodity for me.  I don't share it with many people, and those who lost it once, lost it forever.

So, back to ME day....I am signing off for now.  Ciao....

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