Thursday, 16 April 2015 Trivia : 17 April 2015

Just a quick one here.  The morning crew for this morning were talking about how knowledgeable or not Malaysians are, and one of them had done a survey, interviewing or rather asking few questions on general knowledge to a number of people at a shopping mall.  They asked the same questions to their fellow deejay, Aisha Sinclair and to my surprise, she got all but one (final and the only trick question) wrong.  Here are the questions, some of them that I could recall, and the answer I would give it they were posed to me.  Right or wrong, well, it is as far as I know.

1.  What the country south of Malaysia?  Singapore (most answered Johor)
2.  When is the Federation of Malaysia was established?  16th Sept. 1963
3.  What is the normal body temperature of human? 37 celcius
4.  In which state Kuala Lumpur is in? Selangor
5.  How many red and white stripes on Malaysian flag? 14
6.  If a peacock enters my house, and lays an egg there, whose eggs it will be?  The peacock.

How well did I perform?  I don't know.  I'll go check the answer after this.

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