Saturday, 5 October 2013

Me, Myself and I...Again

With my team, site visit
Labuan Sports Carnival
Puke, if you want, but this time it's my turn to post pictures of me.  Yes, all about me. Well, this is the most proper place to do that since this is MY blog, so, I post whatever I want, right?  No one asked, anyway.So, throughout these years, 3 years, to be exact, a lot of changes I went through in my life, which I, again and again, told in my many entries.  That's not what I want to share here.  It is about my physical change.  I have been told, again and again, one too many times, that I have grown....a lot..thinner and skinnier.  Have I really?  *grin .You judge for yourself. 
Futsal Labuan
Cute baby
All I know is that I have, indeed, grown littler, older, happier, and I hope...wiser.  I have become more active, more myself and free.  The opportunity is finally here to be able to freely love and be loved, and doing that with all of my heart.  My family is expanding, or rather has expanded to more than those tied by blood.  I am blessed to have such addition to my family.  Life is not a burden as it used to be, but it's a journey I eager to face or step into, everyday.  Of course it is not smooth or breezy as an ideal life is, but this is what I call my perfect life.  With all the problems and limitations I have, I still able to flash those smiles that can brighten at least a heart at any time.  And I love that, very much.
My family from KM
 I have learned to look at love and feeling it in much, much different way than I used to, and I am loving it.  There's no such thing as null thing in life, nor there is time where I feel nothing and can do nothing.  Always there are things in store, waiting for me to explore.  I have grown my circle to outside my comfort zone and area, namely Sandakan and KK.  I have now families in all four corners of the winds.  I have acquaintances in Kota Marudu, Tenom, and so many more.  Okay, now I don't know what actually I am writing about here.  So, just look at the picture.  This is just simply me today.  Any change?  Still the same?  Well, all I know, I am loving it even more.  Thank God for His abundant and incessant blessings.


  1. Good to see those smile...that's the only thing I can comment since I also don't know what actually you writing about here. heheheh

    1. Saja mo isi ruang kosong tu Chris... Make up excuse to post pictures, here, my only platform. FB sa segan sikit.
