Tuesday, 14 May 2013

Aches Everywhere

I don't have anything to say or feel right now other than the above statement. My body is like having a huge turbulence. Headache, stomachache....heartache (?), all come at once.  Now I can feel how vulnerable I really am, all these whiles I thought I was fit enough to face any challenge.  If only I have the gut to tell this aches 'myth' to my superior and gain myself at least 2 hours time off to rest, that will be great.  But then again, just forget it.

So, the 'world' is getting a bit calmer now, or so I thought.  However, behind this calmness, there is hidden fire waiting to be revealed.  At least we are granted a moment of peace to step back and look at what we have, instead of focusing on what we don't have.

Yes, my life is certainly not a bed of roses, I can feel thorns on my back all the time.  There are lots of things I don't have, yet to have, wish I have but a second look at my life, I found that I have much, much more to thank the Lord above.

I have my lovely daughter that I love so very much, and loves me the same.  I have my family who will never turn their backs on me, no matter how hard my life has become, no matter how weird the road life has taken me, no matter how cruel the world is towards me.  I have a proper place to call our little home.  I have faithful and loyal friends who stand by me through all my ups and downs, few of them stand well above the rest, willing to go the extra miles to be by my side whenever I need them.  I have food, so far I have never run out of money to buy it whenever needed.  All the 'sides' things, those material things I have for the comfort of living, I have them all.  

I know and see people, around me, on the TV and internet, who do not have anyone to call a family of their own, people keep away from them, dreaded to befriend them, many we know don't have food to get through the day, some died denied the taste of even the most horrible food we can think of, many have only the open sky as their roof, and still thousands or even millions couples who have never have the chance to hear the laughter from a child called their own.  I can't even begin to count those who are in pain right now, they can't even sit up right, nor stand on their feet because of their illness.

And yet, here I am complaining about the unnecessary things I don't have, littlest of pain I am experiencing when what I should be doing is saying my prayer, my gratitude to the Higher Power above, for granting me another day to live and breathe.

What is this entry about, anyway?  Well, I don't know, just a random rant, I guess. Anyhow, I wish you all have a nice day.


  1. We all have that kind of feeling sometimes Veey. Time when we thought...life was so terribly suck. I do have my suck time too. That time, when we are not careful, even blessing can be feel like a curse. Well...what is this comments about??? hahahahha. Have a nice day my friend. :)

  2. Hahaha...that's good, being able to return the ball to others court, without even knowing what's the game... There's truth in what you are saying, there's time we feel like everything is not right, even though, it is. :)

    Have a nice day you too, friend.
