Thursday, 21 August 2008

Thank you, sir KAN

Received another soothing news today. Well, in my previous entry, I wrote about how I had to turn down a promotion offer to be with my family. I am so thankful today that KAN is so considerate that he informed us no one will be left out, that includes those like me, who had to turn down the offer.

To be honest, when turning down the offer, I was more thankful than regret. Thankful that I still have a handful family and friends who stood behind me, supporting me during that moment. Of course they were people who encouraged, even pushed me to grab the opportunity. It's not that I am the kind of person who is "tidak tahu bersyukur", no, I am not. It's just that in life, everyone has his or her own priority. For me, God first, then family, then the rest.

Anyway, once again, thank you sir for understanding us.

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