Tuesday, 12 August 2008

Health Supplements - How's That Related To Me?

WARNING! This is not an advertisement. Just my own personal opinion. No intention to offend anyone.

Just like everybody else, I was an anti-health supplements, especially when they come in pills. Even when I was sick, I prefer injection shot rather than swallowing pills, no matter how small they were. The only pill that I would want to take was the one that tasted sweet from beginning till the end. :p

So, that was me. But I was pretty ignorant then, ignorant about almost everything but myself (pretty self-centered, couldn't help it, I was a lone ranger). But then years gone by, one by one, my friends, relatives, and people around me...the number keep increasing every day, struck by health problems, diseases. Cancer, diabetes, high blood pressure, stroke, your name it. They attack without warning. And I became so afraid, of living because of that. Everyday I imagine it was the last day of my life, try to imagine how would my families and friends react, just to fall on my knees and pray, "Lord, let me live for another xx years, I want to see my family happy and I want to repay their kindness, even though I know it'll just a fraction of what they'd sacrificed for me."

Why? Because I was told, you can't avoid that. Of course it may not be so for diabetes, stroke or heart diseases, because they are not only inherited, but also as a result of one's lifestyle. But cancer...now who can avoid that?

To cut the story short, I opened my mind wider, and absorb all information on health I could find. And thank God, there are ways to avoid those diseases, and yes, that includes cancer. You see, we are created as a very powerful creature. Our body defense system is the most advance and most powerful ever, to fight diseases and any harmful element. But, we have to really, really take good care of it. Provide healthy environment to live in, feed it with essential nutritions, both to body and mind, exercise, drink a lot of water, temperance, rest...and above all, trust in God.

Now, everything but getting enough essential nutrition is possible for us. Why, because we are living in 'artificial' and 'chemical' world. Everything we eat, always contains artificial contents, preservatives, even our vege always have chemical, to avoid pests. Organic food, cost us our neck and not to mention how rare it is. The only solution, grow our food ourselves. But for those like me, living in birdhouse (apartment), I wonder if growing them in pots will be sufficient.

That's one. Ever thought how much food is sufficient for our optimum daily nutrition need? I don't say minimum, because that won't enable our defense system to be at its best. We want it at its best because the threats now are so overwhelming. We need the best and strongest weapon to fight it. Please don't mention anything about using drugs, they do you more harm than good, in the long run. Always spills some side effects. But that's drugs, a short term solution.

So, the modern solution that most nutritionist recommend? Get yourself a good health supplement. Don't have to be the most expensive or well-known brand in the market. Look at the content, do some comparison, some research. According to books that I read, the best nutrition supplement should provide you with ALL the nutritions you need, at optimum level, contains no harmful chemical or preservative, can easily absorb by your body. All nutritions is very, very important because no one single nutrition can perform its function well without the existence of other nutrition/mineral. If I were to explain this here, this entry will be too long. Please do own research. You may try this link: www.comparativeguide.com

If you know how each disease work, you'll at least have an idea how to avoid it. I have few articles on those diseases and more. If anyone wants to know about certain diseases, how it works and which vitamins, or mineral will be useful to treat or prevent it, email me. I will share the article with you, provided I have the one that you need.

Now, my life is a lot calmer, a lot more peaceful. At least I know I have provided my body with all the nutrition it need to be strong and at its best. Of course once in a while I get sick, but who to blame when I suffer from indigestion, or food poisoning..? Me, of course, not my health supplements. :p Pills is not my nightmare anymore, especially when my migrain, very bad migrain disappear once I started taking my supplement.

Health supplements - How's That Related To Me? Everything. My life, my mind, my family, and my all, my being.

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